Pimpirev, Ch., Vangelov, D. and Dimov, D. (1997). Model
for deposition of the Miers Bluff. Formation, Livingston Island,
South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica. Comptes Rendus
Acad. Bulg. Sciences. v.50, 6.
Pimpirev, Ch. and Vangelov, D. (1998). Ancient sub aqueous mouth bar type delta system Byers Group, Livingston Island, Antarctica. Ann. de Unniversite de Sofia "St. Cl. Ochridski", livre1, tome 90, 29- 43 p.
Pimpirev, Ch., Miller, H. and Herve Fr. (1998). Preliminary results of the lithofacies and paleoenvironmrntal interpretation of the Paleozoic turbidite sequence in Chonos Archipelago Southern Chile. Rev. Comunicaciones, Santiago de Chile, v.48-49, 3-12 p.
Pimpirev, C., D. Dimov and H. Miller. 2000. Field studies of sedimentary sequences in eastern Hurd Peninsula, Central Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. "Polarforschung" 66/(3), 1-5 p.
Stoykova, K., Ch. Pimpirev & D. Dimov. 2002. Calcareous nannofossils from the Miers Bluff Formation (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica): First evidence for a Late Cretaceous age. – Journal of Nannoplankton Resarch, 25, 2.
Pimpirev, C., M. Ivanov, D. Dimov, T. Nikolov. 2002. First find of the Upper Tithonian Ammonite genus Blafordiceras from the Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, N Jb Geol Palaont Mh, 6:377-384.
Dimov, D., Ch. Pimpirev. 2002. New data on the field relationships of the Moores Peak breccias, Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands. – Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., vo. 63, part 1-3, p. 43-45.
Pimpirev, Ch., D. Dimov, M. Ivanov. 2003. The Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands – part of the Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous depositional history of the Antarctic Peninsula. – Proceedings International Symposium Antarctic Eorth Sciences. Springer Publishing House, Berlin – Heidelberg (in press).
Miller, H., Fr. Herve & Ch. Pimpirev. 2003. Patagonia – Antarctica connections before Gondwana break-up. - Proceedings International Symposium Antarctic Eаrth Sciences. Springer Publishing House, Berlin – Heidelberg .
Pimpirev, C., D. Dimov, M. Ivanov, K. Stoykova. 2003. New paleontological evidences for the Upper Cretaceous age of the Miers Bluff Formation (Livingston Island, Suth Shetland Island) - Proc. Antarct. Cout .
Pimpirev, C., Pavlishina, P. 2005. New data on the stratigraphy and palynological assessments of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sediments in the area of Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic. - Докл. БАН, 58, 7, 783-788.
Pimpirev, C., D. Dimov, M. Ivanov, K. Stoykova. 2005. New paleontological evidences for a Late Cretaceous Age of the Miers Bluff Formation (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands). - Proc. 9-th Intern. Symp. on Antarctic Earth Sci. (in press).
Pimpirev, C., Pavlishina, P. 2005. Stratigraphy, age constrains and paleoenvironmental interpretations of the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous sediments in the area of Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic. - Proceedings Bulg. Geol. Soc. Ann. Sci. Conf. (под печат).
Pimpirev, Ch., K. Stoykova, M. Ivanov., D. Dimov. 2006. The sedimentary sequences of Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands: Part of the Late Jurassic – Cretaceous Depositional History of the Antarctic Peninsula – In: Antarctica: Contributions to global Earth Sciences, Futterer DK, Damaske D., Kleinschmidt G., Miller H., Tessensohn F. ( eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 249-254 p.
Miller, H., Fr. Herve and Ch. Pimpirev. 2006. Patagonia – Antarctica connections before Gondwana break-up. - In: Antarctica: Contributions to global Earth Sciences, Futterer DK, Damaske D., Kleinschmidt G., Miller H., Tessensohn F. ( eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
Пимпирев, Х., Д. Димов, М. Иванов, К. Стойкова. 2006. Нови данни за стратиграфията на свитата Майерс Блъф (о-в Ливингстън, Антарктика). – Геология и минерални ресурси, 5, 35-42.
Puga, E., J.Galindo-Zaldivar, A. Diazde Federico,D. Dimov, Ch. Pimpirev,F. Bohoyo, A. Maldonado. 2006. Procesos post-imagmaticos diferenciales en las islas Livingston, Decepcion y en la cuenca Dove del Mar de Scotia (Antartida) – VII Simposio Español de Estudios Polares, Granada, 18-20 Sept.
Markova, K., M. Stefanova, M. Ivanov, S. Valčeva, Ch. Pimpirev, S. Marinov. 2007. Characterization of organic matter of the Miers Bluff Formation sediments Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctice, by rock-eval pyrolysis. – Докл. БАН, 60, 11, 1183-1186.
Encyclopedia of the Antarctic. 2007. Vol. 1, A. Kindex. Bean Riffenburg editor CRC Press, 1408 p. – Bulgarian Antarctic Program, 204-206 p.
Trindade A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev,R. Kenderova. 2007. A new CALM site in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). I Congresso Iberico da Internacional Permafrost Asosiacion. Ambientes periglaciarios e variacoes climaticos das montanhas as altas latitudes – Guarda, Portugal, 25-27 de Junio.
Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Gruber, S. & Pimpirev, C. 2008: Long-term network for permafrost monitoring in the South Shetlands (Maritime Antarctic). An international programme developed in the framework of the International Polar Year 2007-2008. EGU General Assembly, 14–18 April 2008, Vienna, Austria.
Ganzert, L., A. Lipski, C. Pimpirev, H. Hubberten, D. Wagner. 2009. Bacterial communities from mineral soils located on Livingston Island, South Shetlands Islands, Antarctica – VAAM Annual Conference, Bochum, Germany, March 9-11.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C. 2009. Active layer and permafrost monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station, Livingston Island, Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C. and Kenderova, R., 2009. Active layer and permafrost monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station, Livingston Island, Antarctic . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Trindade, A , Vieira, G , Ramos, M , Pimpirev, C , Kenderova, R. Regime Térmico do Solo na Área da Base Antárctica Búlgara (Ilha Livingston, Península Antárctica). Dados de 2006-08. VII Congresso de Geografia Portuguesa, Trunfos de uma Geografia Activa: desenvolvimento local, ambiente, ordenamento e tecnologia.
Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Trindade, A., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Mora, C., Batista, V., Neves, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, R., de Pablo, MA. 2009. Spatial distribution and characteristics of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Vieira, G. 2009. Iberian research on the permafrost thermal state in the South Shetlands, Antarctic.II Iberian
Trindade, A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. Monitorização da camada activa e do permafrost próximo da Base Antárctica Búlgara St. Kliment Ohridski, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability. Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
Amaral, A. Correia, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, A. Trindade. 2010. Propriedades físicas de testemunhos obtidos em
Trindade A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. A Influência da cobertura da neve nos regimes térmicos diários do solo na Península Hurd, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Trindade, A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. Snow cover and shallow ground temperature regimes in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctic. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Trindade, A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, M. J. Rocha, P. Miranda, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. A new CALM-S site and shallow borehole network for ground temperature monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Active layer and permafrost thermal regime in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antactic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). First results for 2006-2008. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Snow cover and ground thermal regimes in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Vieira G, Trindade A., Mora C., Ramos M. 2010. The geomorphic action of wind-blown snow in the Maritime
Vieira G., C. Mora, M. Neves, M. Oliva, V. Batista, A. Ferreira, M. Jorge, M.J. Rocha, A. Trindade, A. Correia, J-M. Maillol, P. Amaral,F. Santos, I. Bernardo, A. Soares, M. Ramos, M.A. de Pablo, J. Bockheim,A. Caselli, G. Goyanes, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova - PERMANTAR-2. A new project for monitoring permafrost in the Antarctic Peninsula region. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Vieira G., P. Amaral, V. Batista, J.J. Blanco, A. Caselli, A. Correia, E. Dutra, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, D. Gilichinski, M.A. Hidalgo, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, R. Melo, L. Mendes-Victor, P. Miranda, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, A. Trindade, M. Ramos, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, I. Trigo, A.P. Viterbo. 2010. Projecto PERMANTAR - Monitorização e modelação da distribuição espacial e do estado térmico do permafrost na região da Península Antárctica. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Vieira, G., A. Trindade, C. Mora, M. Neves, A. Ferreira, V. Batista, M. Ramos, M.A. de Pablo, J.J. Blanco, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. Spatial distribution of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Vieira,G., M. Ramos, P. Amaral, V. Batista, I. Bernardo, A. Caselli, A. Correia, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, J. López-Martínez, R. Melo, L.A. Mendes-Victor, E. Dutra, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, E. Serrano, A. Soares, I. Trigo, A. Trindade1 et al. 2010. PERMANTAR: Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Pimpirev, Ch., I. Beratis. 2010. Lithostratigraphy of the Miocene sedimentary sequences in Strymon basin, Northern Greece. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences. Geologie, Stratigraphy. Tome 63, No 8, 1177-1190, Sofia.
Amaral, A. Correia, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, A. Trindade. 2010. Propriedades físicas de testemunhos obtidos em
Trindade A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. A Influência da cobertura da neve nos regimes térmicos diários do solo na Península Hurd, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Trindade, A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. Snow cover and shallow ground temperature regimes in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctic. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Trindade, A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, M. J. Rocha, P. Miranda, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. A new CALM-S site and shallow borehole network for ground temperature monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Active layer and permafrost thermal regime in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antactic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). First results for 2006-2008. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Snow cover and ground thermal regimes in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Vieira G, Trindade A., Mora C., Ramos M. 2010. The geomorphic action of wind-blown snow in the Maritime
Vieira G., C. Mora, M. Neves, M. Oliva, V. Batista, A. Ferreira, M. Jorge, M.J. Rocha, A. Trindade, A. Correia, J-M. Maillol, P. Amaral,F. Santos, I. Bernardo, A. Soares, M. Ramos, M.A. de Pablo, J. Bockheim,A. Caselli, G. Goyanes, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova - PERMANTAR-2. A new project for monitoring permafrost in the Antarctic Peninsula region. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Vieira G., P. Amaral, V. Batista, J.J. Blanco, A. Caselli, A. Correia, E. Dutra, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, D. Gilichinski, M.A. Hidalgo, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, R. Melo, L. Mendes-Victor, P. Miranda, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, A. Trindade, M. Ramos, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, I. Trigo, A.P. Viterbo. 2010. Projecto PERMANTAR - Monitorização e modelação da distribuição espacial e do estado térmico do permafrost na região da Península Antárctica. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Vieira, G., A. Trindade, C. Mora, M. Neves, A. Ferreira, V. Batista, M. Ramos, M.A. de Pablo, J.J. Blanco, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. Spatial distribution of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Vieira,G., M. Ramos, P. Amaral, V. Batista, I. Bernardo, A. Caselli, A. Correia, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, J. López-Martínez, R. Melo, L.A. Mendes-Victor, E. Dutra, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, E. Serrano, A. Soares, I. Trigo, A. Trindade1 et al. 2010. PERMANTAR: Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Zidarova, R., Van de Vijver, B., Quesada, A. & de Haan, M. Revision of the genus Hantzschia (Bacillariophyceae) Eunotia on the Livingston Island (South Shetland Islands, Southern Atlantic Ocean). Plant Ecology and Evolution, Special issue. (in print).
Zidarova, R., Temniskova, D. & Dzhambazov, B. 2009. Karyological and endosymbiotic notes on two Choricystis species (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). - Biologia, 64(1): 43-47.
Zidarova, R., Van de Vijver, B., Mataloni, G., Kopalová, K. & Nedbalová, L. 2009. Four new freshwater diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) from Antarctica. - Cryptogamie, Algol., 30(4): 295-310.
Zidarova, R. 2008. Algae from Livingston Island (S Shetland Islands): a check-list. – Phytol. Balcan., 14(1): 19-35.
Zidarova, R. 2007. Diversity and Distribution of Algae on Livingston Island, Antarctica. – Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 60(4): 435-442.
Ivanova V, Dornberger K-J, Härtl A, Möllmann U, Dahse H-M, Kolarova M, Aleksieva K, Chipev N. 2007. Sanionins: Antiinflammatory and antibacterial agents from the antarctic moss Sanionia georgico-uncinata with weak/low cytotoxicity. Prep Biochem Biotech, 37 (4), pp. 343-352.
Gocheva, Y., Krumova, E., Slokoska, L., Miteva, J., M. Angelova. 2006. Cell response of Antarctic and temperate strains of Penicillium spp. to different growth temperature. Mycol. Res. 110, 1347-1354.
Metcheva, R., L. Yurukova, S. Teodorova, E. Nikolova. 2006. The penguin feathers as bioindicator of Antarctica environmental state. Science of the Total Environment, 362: 259-265.
Pouneva, I. D. & Zidarova, R. P. 2006. Effect of temperature on the growth and pigment content of an antarctic isolate Choricystis minor (Skuja) Fott (Chlorophyta). – Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 59(10): 1059-1062.
Zidarova, R. & Pouneva, I. 2006. Physiological and biochemical characterization of antarctic isolate Choricystis minor during oxidative stress at different temperatures and light intensities. – Gen. Appl. Plant Physiology, Special Issue,109-115.
Chipev, N. 2005. Lichens as biomonitors with special reference to the Antarctic. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Precision Atomic and Nuclear Methods (Editors: A. Olariu, K. Strenstrom, R. Hellborg), Editura Academica Romane, Bucuresti. 12-16.
Zidarova, R. 2005. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic algae from freshwater habitats on Livingston Island, the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. In: Chipev, N. & Bogoev, V. (eds), Proceedings of the First National Scientific Conference on Ecology: Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Global changes, pp. 279-285. Petexton, Sofia.
Ganeva A., Yurukova L. 2004. Data on species composition and background concentrations of some elements in moss samples from Livingston Island (Antarctica). – Herzogia 17: 199-206.
Райковска, Я., Чипева, В., Топалова, Я., Чипев, Н., Мончева, П. 2005. Разнообразие на микробните почвени съобщества на о. Ливингстън – Антарктика. Екологично инженерство и опазване на околната среда 1, 28-35.
Pimpirev, Ch. and Vangelov, D. (1998). Ancient sub aqueous mouth bar type delta system Byers Group, Livingston Island, Antarctica. Ann. de Unniversite de Sofia "St. Cl. Ochridski", livre1, tome 90, 29- 43 p.
Pimpirev, Ch., Miller, H. and Herve Fr. (1998). Preliminary results of the lithofacies and paleoenvironmrntal interpretation of the Paleozoic turbidite sequence in Chonos Archipelago Southern Chile. Rev. Comunicaciones, Santiago de Chile, v.48-49, 3-12 p.
Pimpirev, C., D. Dimov and H. Miller. 2000. Field studies of sedimentary sequences in eastern Hurd Peninsula, Central Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. "Polarforschung" 66/(3), 1-5 p.
Stoykova, K., Ch. Pimpirev & D. Dimov. 2002. Calcareous nannofossils from the Miers Bluff Formation (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica): First evidence for a Late Cretaceous age. – Journal of Nannoplankton Resarch, 25, 2.
Pimpirev, C., M. Ivanov, D. Dimov, T. Nikolov. 2002. First find of the Upper Tithonian Ammonite genus Blafordiceras from the Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, N Jb Geol Palaont Mh, 6:377-384.
Dimov, D., Ch. Pimpirev. 2002. New data on the field relationships of the Moores Peak breccias, Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands. – Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., vo. 63, part 1-3, p. 43-45.
Pimpirev, Ch., D. Dimov, M. Ivanov. 2003. The Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands – part of the Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous depositional history of the Antarctic Peninsula. – Proceedings International Symposium Antarctic Eorth Sciences. Springer Publishing House, Berlin – Heidelberg (in press).
Miller, H., Fr. Herve & Ch. Pimpirev. 2003. Patagonia – Antarctica connections before Gondwana break-up. - Proceedings International Symposium Antarctic Eаrth Sciences. Springer Publishing House, Berlin – Heidelberg .
Pimpirev, C., D. Dimov, M. Ivanov, K. Stoykova. 2003. New paleontological evidences for the Upper Cretaceous age of the Miers Bluff Formation (Livingston Island, Suth Shetland Island) - Proc. Antarct. Cout .
Pimpirev, C., Pavlishina, P. 2005. New data on the stratigraphy and palynological assessments of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sediments in the area of Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic. - Докл. БАН, 58, 7, 783-788.
Pimpirev, C., D. Dimov, M. Ivanov, K. Stoykova. 2005. New paleontological evidences for a Late Cretaceous Age of the Miers Bluff Formation (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands). - Proc. 9-th Intern. Symp. on Antarctic Earth Sci. (in press).
Pimpirev, C., Pavlishina, P. 2005. Stratigraphy, age constrains and paleoenvironmental interpretations of the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous sediments in the area of Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic. - Proceedings Bulg. Geol. Soc. Ann. Sci. Conf. (под печат).
Pimpirev, Ch., K. Stoykova, M. Ivanov., D. Dimov. 2006. The sedimentary sequences of Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands: Part of the Late Jurassic – Cretaceous Depositional History of the Antarctic Peninsula – In: Antarctica: Contributions to global Earth Sciences, Futterer DK, Damaske D., Kleinschmidt G., Miller H., Tessensohn F. ( eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 249-254 p.
Miller, H., Fr. Herve and Ch. Pimpirev. 2006. Patagonia – Antarctica connections before Gondwana break-up. - In: Antarctica: Contributions to global Earth Sciences, Futterer DK, Damaske D., Kleinschmidt G., Miller H., Tessensohn F. ( eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
Пимпирев, Х., Д. Димов, М. Иванов, К. Стойкова. 2006. Нови данни за стратиграфията на свитата Майерс Блъф (о-в Ливингстън, Антарктика). – Геология и минерални ресурси, 5, 35-42.
Puga, E., J.Galindo-Zaldivar, A. Diazde Federico,D. Dimov, Ch. Pimpirev,F. Bohoyo, A. Maldonado. 2006. Procesos post-imagmaticos diferenciales en las islas Livingston, Decepcion y en la cuenca Dove del Mar de Scotia (Antartida) – VII Simposio Español de Estudios Polares, Granada, 18-20 Sept.
Markova, K., M. Stefanova, M. Ivanov, S. Valčeva, Ch. Pimpirev, S. Marinov. 2007. Characterization of organic matter of the Miers Bluff Formation sediments Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctice, by rock-eval pyrolysis. – Докл. БАН, 60, 11, 1183-1186.
Encyclopedia of the Antarctic. 2007. Vol. 1, A. Kindex. Bean Riffenburg editor CRC Press, 1408 p. – Bulgarian Antarctic Program, 204-206 p.
Trindade A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev,R. Kenderova. 2007. A new CALM site in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). I Congresso Iberico da Internacional Permafrost Asosiacion. Ambientes periglaciarios e variacoes climaticos das montanhas as altas latitudes – Guarda, Portugal, 25-27 de Junio.
Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Gruber, S. & Pimpirev, C. 2008: Long-term network for permafrost monitoring in the South Shetlands (Maritime Antarctic). An international programme developed in the framework of the International Polar Year 2007-2008. EGU General Assembly, 14–18 April 2008, Vienna, Austria.
Ganzert, L., A. Lipski, C. Pimpirev, H. Hubberten, D. Wagner. 2009. Bacterial communities from mineral soils located on Livingston Island, South Shetlands Islands, Antarctica – VAAM Annual Conference, Bochum, Germany, March 9-11.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C. 2009. Active layer and permafrost monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station, Livingston Island, Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C. and Kenderova, R., 2009. Active layer and permafrost monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station, Livingston Island, Antarctic . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Trindade, A , Vieira, G , Ramos, M , Pimpirev, C , Kenderova, R. Regime Térmico do Solo na Área da Base Antárctica Búlgara (Ilha Livingston, Península Antárctica). Dados de 2006-08. VII Congresso de Geografia Portuguesa, Trunfos de uma Geografia Activa: desenvolvimento local, ambiente, ordenamento e tecnologia.
Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Trindade, A., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Mora, C., Batista, V., Neves, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, R., de Pablo, MA. 2009. Spatial distribution and characteristics of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Vieira, G. 2009. Iberian research on the permafrost thermal state in the South Shetlands, Antarctic.II Iberian
Trindade, A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. Monitorização da camada activa e do permafrost próximo da Base Antárctica Búlgara St. Kliment Ohridski, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability. Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
Amaral, A. Correia, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, A. Trindade. 2010. Propriedades físicas de testemunhos obtidos em
Trindade A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. A Influência da cobertura da neve nos regimes térmicos diários do solo na Península Hurd, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Trindade, A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. Snow cover and shallow ground temperature regimes in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctic. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Trindade, A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, M. J. Rocha, P. Miranda, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. A new CALM-S site and shallow borehole network for ground temperature monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Active layer and permafrost thermal regime in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antactic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). First results for 2006-2008. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Snow cover and ground thermal regimes in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Vieira G, Trindade A., Mora C., Ramos M. 2010. The geomorphic action of wind-blown snow in the Maritime
Vieira G., C. Mora, M. Neves, M. Oliva, V. Batista, A. Ferreira, M. Jorge, M.J. Rocha, A. Trindade, A. Correia, J-M. Maillol, P. Amaral,F. Santos, I. Bernardo, A. Soares, M. Ramos, M.A. de Pablo, J. Bockheim,A. Caselli, G. Goyanes, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova - PERMANTAR-2. A new project for monitoring permafrost in the Antarctic Peninsula region. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Vieira G., P. Amaral, V. Batista, J.J. Blanco, A. Caselli, A. Correia, E. Dutra, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, D. Gilichinski, M.A. Hidalgo, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, R. Melo, L. Mendes-Victor, P. Miranda, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, A. Trindade, M. Ramos, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, I. Trigo, A.P. Viterbo. 2010. Projecto PERMANTAR - Monitorização e modelação da distribuição espacial e do estado térmico do permafrost na região da Península Antárctica. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Vieira, G., A. Trindade, C. Mora, M. Neves, A. Ferreira, V. Batista, M. Ramos, M.A. de Pablo, J.J. Blanco, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. Spatial distribution of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Vieira,G., M. Ramos, P. Amaral, V. Batista, I. Bernardo, A. Caselli, A. Correia, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, J. López-Martínez, R. Melo, L.A. Mendes-Victor, E. Dutra, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, E. Serrano, A. Soares, I. Trigo, A. Trindade1 et al. 2010. PERMANTAR: Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Pimpirev, Ch., I. Beratis. 2010. Lithostratigraphy of the Miocene sedimentary sequences in Strymon basin, Northern Greece. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences. Geologie, Stratigraphy. Tome 63, No 8, 1177-1190, Sofia.
Amaral, A. Correia, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, A. Trindade. 2010. Propriedades físicas de testemunhos obtidos em
Trindade A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. A Influência da cobertura da neve nos regimes térmicos diários do solo na Península Hurd, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Trindade, A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. Snow cover and shallow ground temperature regimes in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctic. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Trindade, A., G. Vieira, M. Ramos, M. J. Rocha, P. Miranda, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. A new CALM-S site and shallow borehole network for ground temperature monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Active layer and permafrost thermal regime in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antactic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). First results for 2006-2008. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Snow cover and ground thermal regimes in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Vieira G, Trindade A., Mora C., Ramos M. 2010. The geomorphic action of wind-blown snow in the Maritime
Vieira G., C. Mora, M. Neves, M. Oliva, V. Batista, A. Ferreira, M. Jorge, M.J. Rocha, A. Trindade, A. Correia, J-M. Maillol, P. Amaral,F. Santos, I. Bernardo, A. Soares, M. Ramos, M.A. de Pablo, J. Bockheim,A. Caselli, G. Goyanes, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova - PERMANTAR-2. A new project for monitoring permafrost in the Antarctic Peninsula region. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Vieira G., P. Amaral, V. Batista, J.J. Blanco, A. Caselli, A. Correia, E. Dutra, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, D. Gilichinski, M.A. Hidalgo, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, R. Melo, L. Mendes-Victor, P. Miranda, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, A. Trindade, M. Ramos, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, I. Trigo, A.P. Viterbo. 2010. Projecto PERMANTAR - Monitorização e modelação da distribuição espacial e do estado térmico do permafrost na região da Península Antárctica. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Vieira, G., A. Trindade, C. Mora, M. Neves, A. Ferreira, V. Batista, M. Ramos, M.A. de Pablo, J.J. Blanco, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. Spatial distribution of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Vieira,G., M. Ramos, P. Amaral, V. Batista, I. Bernardo, A. Caselli, A. Correia, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, J. López-Martínez, R. Melo, L.A. Mendes-Victor, E. Dutra, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, E. Serrano, A. Soares, I. Trigo, A. Trindade1 et al. 2010. PERMANTAR: Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
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